
ASME B30.32 pdf download

ASME B30.32 pdf download

ASME B30.32 pdf download Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Used in Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Load- Handling Operations
SECTION 32-0.1: SCOPE OF B30.32
Volume B30.32 includes provisionsthatapply to the useofunmanned aircraftsystems (UAS) to supportthe inspec-tion, testing, maintenance and load-handling operationsofequipmentaddressedin othervolumes ofthe ASME B30Standard,except ASME B30.12
aircraft; a device that is used or intended to be used forflight in the air.
first-person view (FPV): a mode of UAS operation in whichthe remote pilot in command (RPIC) monitors theunmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) position through acamera installed on the UAV.
impact tolerance: a UAV design characteristic that allowsany part of the UAV structure to be impacted duringplanned normal flight operations and not adverselyaffect the UAV’s capability to continue flight operationssee Figure 32-0.2-1).
inertial measurement unit (IMU): an electronic device thatmeasures and reports the specific force, angular rate, andsometimes,orientation ofthe body,using a combination ofaccelerometers and gyroscopes.
lift director: a person that directly oversees the work beingperformed by equipment and personnel covered by othervolumes of the ASME B30 Standard and is the personresponsible for all non-UAS equipment operations.
load-handling operation: the activities that support equip-ment covered by other volumes in the ASME B30 Standardin the performance of their operations.low-altitude authorization and notification capabilityLAANC): the collaboration between the Federal AviationAdministration (FAA] and the public that directlysupports UAS integration into the airspace by providingUAV pilots with access to controlled airspace at or below400 ft (122 m)and the awareness of where UAVs can andcannot fly and provides air traffic professionals with visi-bility into where and when UAVs are operating.
normal flight operation: the flight ofa UAV that is properlyperforming within the UAS manufacturer’s flight guidancethat addresses environment and performance.
payload: any weight lifted by a UAV that is attached to theUAV at locations authorized by the UAV manufacturerdoes not violate the UAV manufacturer’s establishedweight and balance limits, and uses attachment meansprovided or authorized for use by the UAV manufactureror a qualified person.
qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recognized degree in an applicable field or certificate of professional standing or who, by extensive knowledge, trainingand experience, has successfully demonstrated the abilityto solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matterand work and has the requisite information and skills necessary to evaluate the suitability ofa device a componentor information for use with a UAS.
remote pilot in command (RPIC):a competent and appro-priately licensed person with the combination ofskills andknowledge required to perform the tasks defined in thisVolume who is responsible for all aspects of the UASoperation.
shall: a word indicating a requirement
should: a word indicating a recommendation.
site owner: a person with the authority to speak for theentity controlling the site over which flight operations willtake place.
support personnel: the person or persons designated toassist in the preparation and/or accomplishment of aUAS flight operation and operation of equipmentcovered by other volumes of the ASME B30 Standard.testinq: the operations that provide information regardingan operational characteristic.
UAS manufacturer: the entity that integrates the UAV withits control systems and accessories.
UAS operator: a competent person who is appropriatelylicensed and directly inputs the commands that manipulate the movement of a UAV.
UAV manufacturer: the entity that manufactures the UAVunmanned aircraft system (UAS): a system consisting of apowered unmanned aerial vehicle and equipment,apparatus,appurtenance, software and accessories that areoperated, or designed to be operated, without a personon board and that uses aerodynamic forces to provideaerial vehicle lift.

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