
ASME B30.27 pdf download

ASME B30.27 pdf download

ASME B30.27 pdf download Material Placement Systems
The Standards Committee will be glad to receive criticisms of this Standard’s requirements and suggestionsfor its improvement, especially those based on actual experience in application of the rules.
Suggestions for changes to the Standard should besubmitted to the Secretary of the B30 CommitteeASME,Three Park Avenue, New York,NY 10016-5990and should be in accordance with the following format:
(a) Cite the specific paragraph designation of the pertinent volume.
(b) Indicate the suggested change (addition, deletionrevision,etc.).
(c) Briefly state the reason and/or evidence for thesuggested change.
(d) Submit suggested changes to more than one paragraph in the order that the paragraphs appear in the volume.
The B30 Committee will consider each suggestedchange in a timely manner in accordance with its procedures.
This Standard applies to the construction, installationoperation, inspection, maintenance, and safe use ofjackspower-operated cranes, monorails, and crane runwayspower-operated and manually operated derricks andhoists; lifting devices, hooks, and slings; and cablewaysThis Standard does not apply to track and automotive jacks, railway or automobile wrecking cranes, shipboard cranes,shipboard cargo-handling equipment.well drilling derricks,skip hoists, mine hoists,truckbody hoists, car or barge pullers, conveyors, excavatingequipment, or equipment coming within the scope ofthe following Committees: A10,A17,A90,A92,A120B20,B56,and B77
This Standard is designed to(a) guard against and minimize injury to workers andotherwise provide for the protection of life, limb, andproperty by prescribing safety requirements
(b) provide direction to owners, emplovers, supervi.sors, and others concerned with, or responsible for, itsapplication
(c) guide governments and other regulatory bodies inthe development, promulgation, and enforcement of appropriate safety directives
Upon request, the B30 Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard. nterpretations can only he rendered in response to awritten request sent to the Secretary of the B30 Com-mittee,ASME,Three Park Avenue,New York,N)10016-5990.
The request for interpretation should be clear andunambiguous.It is further recommended that the inquirer submit his request utilizing the following format:
Cite the applicable paragraph number(s)and provide a concise description.Cite the applicable edition of the pertinentvolume for which the interpretation is being requested.Phrase the question as a request for an in-terpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and usenot as a request for approval of a proprietary design or situation. The inquirermay also include any plans or drawingsthat are necessary to explain the questionhowever. they should not contain anyproprietary names or information.
Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior to being an-swered, which could change the intent of the originalrequest.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration ofany interpretation when or if additional informationwhich might affect an interpretation, is available. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,”or”endorse”any item, construction, proprietary deviceor actiwity.
(a) Effective Date. The effective date of this volume forthe purpose of defining new and existing installationsshall be 1 year after its date of issuance.
(b) Ne Installations. Construction,installation,in-spection,testing,maintenance, and operation of equipment manufactured and facilities constructed after theeffective date of this Volume shall conform with themandatory requirements of this Volume
(c) Exisfing Installations.nspection, testing, maintenance and operation of equipment manufactured andfacilities constructed prior to the effective date of thisvolume shall be done, as applicable, in accordance withthe requirements of this Volume.

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