
ASME A112.19.15 pdf download

ASME A112.19.15 pdf download

1.1 Scope
This Standard cstablishcs matcrial,mechanical, elec-trical,marking,and testing requirements for bathtubslwhirlpool bathtubs with doors that are made water tightby the use of a pressure seal. It addresses the functionalperformance and physical characteristics for a pressuresealed door of a bathtub/whirlpool bathtub.
The door is intended to aiiow for entry into thefxlure when the tub is empty. and maintains watertightncss when the tub is fuil.
The use of alternate maieriais or meihous are permit-ted, provided the proposed material and method com-plies with the performance requircments and intent ofthis Standard.
1.2 Units of Measurement
Vaues are stated in U.S.Customary units and theInternational System of Units (S). The U.S.Customaryunits shall be considered as the standard.
1.3 Reference Standards
The foilowing documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. The latest issue shallapply.
ASTM D2000,Standard Classification System for Rub-ber Products in Automotive Applications
Pubisher: The American Socieiy for Testing and Miateri-als (ASTM),100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Consho-hocken,PA19428
ANSI Z124.1,Plastic Bathtub Units
Publisher: International Association of Plumbing andMechanical Officials (IAPMO), 20001 Wanui Drive,South Walnut,CA 91789-2096
ASME A112.19.4M,Porcelain Enamcled Formed SteclPlumbing Fixtures
ASME A112.19.7M,Whirlpool Bathtub AppliancesPublisher: The Americal Socicty of Mcchanical Engi-neers (ASME International),Three Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016
UL1795,Hydromassage Bathtubs
Publisher: Undcrwritcr’s Laboratories (UL),333 Pfings-ten Road,Northbrook,IL 60062
1.4 Definitions
primary seal (pressure seal):a main water barrieractivated by hydraulic,air,comprcssion,or dis-placement.
secondary seal:a redundant water barrier to the pri-mary seal.
The materials incorporated in the door and compo-nents of the seals shall be made of plastics,rubbers.or oiher material suitable for application in plumbingfixtures or devices, or in accordance with the standardsreferenced in this Standard. The bathing shell shallmeet all of thc applicable requirements of ANSI Z124.1or ASME A112.19.4M and a whirlpool bathtub shallmeet all the requirements of ASME A112.19.7M.2.2 Door
The bathtub door shall meet the performance critcriaas specified in section 3 of this Standard.
2.3 Electrical Components
Electrical components shall meet the applicable re-quirements of UL 1795.
2.4Deor And Seals
The door shall have a minimum of one of thefollowing:
(a) Primary and secondary seal,or
(b) Seal with adequate means for drainage.
The door drain shall be designed as an integral partof the bathing unit. Units with primary and secondaryscals and without a catch basin shall not permit anyleakage of the primary seal.

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