
ASME B30.19 pdf download

ASME B30.19 pdf download

ASME B30.19 pdf download Cableways Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
The B30 Standard Committee will render an interpretation of the provisions of the B30 Standard. AnInterpretation Submittal Form is available on ASMESwebsite at
Phrase the question as a request for an interpretationof a specific provision suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for approval of a proprietarydesign or situation, Plans or drawings that explain thequestion may be submitted to clarify the question How-ever, they should not contain any proprietary names orinformation. Read carefully the note addressing thetypes of requests that the B30 Standard Committee canand cannot consider.
Upon submittal, the request will be forwarded to therelevant B30 Subcommittee for a draft response. whicwill then be subject to approval by the B30 StandardCommittee prior to its formal issuance. The B30Standard Committee may rewrite the question for thesake of clarity.
Interpretations to the B30 Standard will be availableonline at https:/ /,cfm.
The equipment covered by the B30 Standard is subjeclto hazards that cannot be abated by mechanical meansbut only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and com-mon sense. lt is therefore essential to have personneinvolved in the use and operation of equipment whoare competent, careful, physically and mentally quali-fied, and trained in the proper operation of the equipment and the handling ofloads.Serioushazardsincludebut are not limited to, improper or inadequate maintenance, overloading, dropping or slipping of the loadobstructing the free passage of the load, and using equip-ment for a purpose for which it was not intended ordesigned.
The B30 Standard Committee fully realizes the importance of proper design factors, minimum or maximumdimensions, and other limiting criteria of wire rope orchain and their fastenings, sheaves, sprockets, drumsand similar equipment covered by the standard, all ofwhich are closely connected with safety Sizes, strengthsand similar criteria are dependent on many differentfactors, often varying with the installation and uses.These factors depend on
(a) the condition of the equipment or material
(b) the loads
(c) the acceleration or speed of the ropes, chainssheaves, sprockets, or drums

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