
ASME B107.36 pdf download

ASME B107.36 pdf download

ASME B107.36 pdf download ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B107 Hand Tools and Accessories
Handles of plicrs shali be through hardenedfrom30 to 50 HRC or case hardened fron 75 to 86 HR15N,with a case dcpth of a ninimun of 0.010 in. (0.25mm). Handles shall be so shaped as to afford a confort-able grip and shall be free from rough edges and sharpcorners. When the plicrs are locked in any position ofthe jaws,the rninimurn hancile clearance between thefxedand movable handle shall bc as specified inthe appropriate tables. Outer hand-gripping surfaces ofhandles shall be smooth,knurled,or impressed.
4.5 Joints
Pliers joints shall have no excessive looseness,play,or any other indications of side play of the two halvesof the pliers when opened orclosed,which couldirnpair the function of pliers. Joint fasteners shall bethrough hardened from 25 to 50 HRC.Where fastenersreccive a case hardening treatment in addition to thethrough hardening,a maximun hardness of 60 HRCor equivalent will be pernmitted.
4.6 Jaws
4.6.1 Jaw Openings. Ends of jaws shall open,when adjusted by the screw, to the entire respectiveclamping range minimum specifed in Tables 2 through5. Plers shall operate in a smooth and uniformn manner.4.6.2 Jaw Hardness.Jaws shall be through hard-ened from 35 to 50 HRC or case hardened from 83to 90 HR15N, with a case depth minimum of 0.o10in. (0.25 mm). lf provided,swivel pads need not behardened.
4.7 Adjusting Screw
Adjusting screw located at thc end of handle shailhave a minimum hardness of 30 HRC.
Pliers shall be marked in a plain and permanentmanner with the manufacturer’s name or with a trade-mark of such known character that the source ofmanufacture and country of origin can be readily deter-mined. Marking shall be as perrnanent as the nornallife expectancy of the pliers,providing the surface hasnot becn subjected to a fretting or abracing action,and be capable of withstanding the cleaning nornally cxperienced during its intended use.
4.9.1 Appearance.Surfaces shall be tested in ac-cordance with ASME B46.1. Surfaces shal be freefrom pits,nodules, burrs,and other conditions that mayadversely affect perfornance or appearance. Groundsurfaces shall have a maximum surface roughness of200 uin. (S.1 un) aritbmetic avcrage. Measurementof the fnish shall be nade with a measuring instrumentusing a cutoff length of 0.03 in. (0.8 mm).
4.9.2 Coating. Coating shall be adherent,smooth,continuous,and free of pits,blisters,nodules,oxidescale, and any other conditions that may interfere withthe protective vale and serviceability of the pliers.Cadmium plate shall not be allowed.Pliers shall becoated with a supplementary rust-preventative treatrocnt.
4.10 Spring
Spring shall be capable of opening te jaws tothe maximum value of the respective clamping rangeminimum dimension as specified in the tables for theindividual type and class of pliers.
4.11 Dimonsions
Dimensions shalt be deterrnined by measuring thepliers with jaws in the closed and locked position.Theoverall length mcasurenent shal1 include the adjustingscrew.
4.12 Workmanship
Requirements within this Standard are intended todescribe the best connercial quality pliers available.Pliers shall conform to the requirenents of this Standard.

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