
IEC TR 61963 pdf download

IEC TR 61963 pdf download

IEC TR 61963 pdf download Nuclear power plants – Main control room – Comparison of IEC 60964 to similar standards on control room design
scope and object
This technical report identifies and reviews standards that are similar in scope to lEC 60964,and compares their content to relevant clauses of lEC 60964.The similar standards includepower industry standards,and some closely related, guides and regulatory documents.
The purpose of the comparison is to identify areas of lEC 60964 that should be considered forrevision.This is to include the addition of ciauses or material not presently in lEC 60964.
This technical report constitutes one of several inputs to the revision process for lEC 60964(e.g. see also lEC 62247). In this context,the areas for consideration identified herein,maybe applied to the actual revision of lEC 60964 in any manner judged appropriate by WorkingGroup A8.
2 Method
The following clauses describe the method used to identify the candidate documents, assesstheir content and make comparisons to lEC 60964.
2.1 ldentification of candidate documents
Candidate documents were identified initially through discussions with subject matter expertsat AECL(Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) and a list of candidates was reviewed and agreedto by Working Group A8 members.
2.2Document assessment
Each document was reviewed against each clause and subclause of IEC 60964 and an initialdetermination was made as to coverage by lEC 60964 (i.e. was the coverage greater, lessthan or about the same as IEC 60964).This assessment also included identifying areas whereIEC 60964 did not cover the material in comparison documents. The initial comparison wasperformed by AECL.
2.3Comparison to lEC 60964
The results of the initial assessment (see 2.2) were summarized and used as input to Clause3 of this report.Each clause of lEC 60964 was compared to candidate documents and thecontent of candidate documents compared to lEC 60964 to ensure nothing was overlooked(see specific areas for consideration in Table 1).Additionally, the overall purpose and contentof lEc 60964 was compared to candidate documents by identifying any characteristics thatwarranted consideration in the revision of lEC 60964.
Note that much of the detail in IEC 60964 has been superseded by more recent “daughter” standards and these are not currently up for revision. This limits the scope of the revision to IEC 60964 and it is assumed that they must not be contradicted by any revision to IEC 60964. The current comparison worked within the boundaries of this assumption.
3 Results and areas to be considered for revision
3.1 Documents for comparison
The following documents were identified for comparison.
• IEEE 1 023 Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inc., 1 988. [Currently under revision]

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