
ISO IEC 14752 pdf download

ISO IEC 14752 pdf download

ISO IEC 14752 pdf download Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Protocol support for computational interactions
This Recommendation / International Standard is based on the framework of abstractions and concepts developed in theReference Model for Open Distributed Processing (ITU-T Rec. X.902 | ISOIEC 10746-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.903ISO/IEC 10746-3).
This Recommendation / International Standard defines how interactions between computational objects in acomputational specification of a system relate to protocol support for those interactions in an engineering specification ofthat system. In particular it:
– defines a General Interworking Framework (GIF);
within the GlF, defines a set of facilities each comprising a set of functionally-related service primitives asabstract definitions of the interactions of basic engineering objects and channel objects;
defines the parameters of the service primitives of the GIF;
defines the permitted sequence of the service primitives by means of state tables;
specifies, in annexes, the mapping of the GIF service primitives and their parameters to the messages andfields of particular protocols.
As specified in this Recommendation / International Standard, the GIlF defines protocol support for a pragmatic subset ofthe possible computational interactions defined in ITU-T Rec. X.903 | ISOIEC 10746-3.It is also restricted in thefeatures of the protocol support and the supported transparencies.
The GIF, as specified here, defines:
support for computational operations, but not for streams;
support using stub, binder and protocol objects hierarchically, such that any interaction at the interworkingreference point of the supporting protocol object supports liaisons of one of those objects or of the basicengineering object, and any interaction to support those liaisons is passed via that interworking referencepoint; and
interactions at a single interworking reference point, from the perspective of one side; interceptors are notexplicitly considered;
NOTE 1 – lIt is intended that the GIF could be extended,in a future amendment, to support streams and flows. The presentspecification is restricted to areas that are technically stable.
The GIF supports at least some forms of:
– access transparency; and-location transparency.
The GlF as specified here also supports a limited equivalent of relocation transparency. Other transparencies are notaddressed in this present specification.
NOTE 2- lt is intended that the GIF could be extended, in future amendments, to support additional transparencies.The GlF does not explicitly model Quality of Service requirements.
The application of security-related issues to the GIF are not included in the current text and are for further study.
The set of mappings to particular protocols specified in annexes to this Recommendation | International Standard is notexhaustive.The GIF could be mapped to other protocols.
NOTE 3 – In particular, a mapping to the DCOM protocol family would be a candidate for an additional annex.

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