
ISO 16494 pdf download

ISO 16494 pdf download

ISO 16494 pdf download Heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators — Method of test for performance
effective work
total exchanged energy between the airstreams plus the power value of moving air minus the power input
Note 1 to entry: The equation for determining the effective work is given in 8.7.
Note 2 to entry: Effective work is expressed in W.
power value of moving air
rate of pressure energy and kinetic energy of the air delivered by the ventilator
Note 1 to entry: The equation that determines the power value of moving air is given in 8.6.1.
Note 2 to entry: Power value of moving air is expressed in J/s for P vma .
gross effectiveness
measured effectiveness, not adjusted for leakage, motor heat gain, or heat transfer through the unit casing
Note 1 to entry: The sensible, latent or total gross effectiveness of an HRV or ERV, at equal airflows, is described in 8.5.
the largest supply and return airflows, specified by the manufacturer, at which an airflow test is performed
Note 1 to entry: For ventilators with speed control devices, different maximum rated airflows may be defined for each speed control setting at which the test is performed.
the smallest supply and return airflows, specified by the manufacturer, at which an airflow test is performed
Note 1 to entry: For ventilators with speed control devices, different minimum rated airflows may be defined for each speed control setting at which the test is performed.
portion of the leaving supply airflow that originated as entering supply airflow
Note 1 to entry: The net supply airflow is represented by the variable Q SANet , measured in m 3 /s.
Note 2 to entry: The equations for determining net supply airflow are given in 8.4.1 (ducted units) and 8.4.2
(unducted units).
ratio determined by dividing net supply airflow by supply airflow
Note 1 to entry: Expressed as a percentage, and described in 8.4.1 and 8.4.2.
speed control device
device incorporated into the ventilator which controls the speed of the fan
standard air
dry air with a density of 1,2 kg/m 3
Note 1 to entry: These conditions approximate dry air at 20°C and 101,325 kPa absolute.
static pressure differential
absolute difference between inlet static pressure and outlet static pressure for each of the two airstreams EXAMPLE Static pressures measured at │ X 2 -X 1 │ , or │ X 4 -X 3 │ .
thermal performance measurement
test procedure which measures the temperature and humidity of the supply air when a ventilator is operating with the outside air and return air at specific psychrometric conditions

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