
IEC WT-01 pdf download

IEC WT-01 pdf download

IEC WT-01 pdf download IEC System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Wind Turbines Rules and procedures
1 Title
The title of the System is:
IEC System for conformity testing and certification of wind turbines”, hereinafter referred to as “the IEC WT System”.
2 Object
Taking into account the object of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as given in Article 2 of the Statutes, the particular object of the IEC WT System, operated under the authority of the IEC in conformity with the Statutes, is to facilitate international trade in wind turbine generator systems which comply with one or more of the IEC standards prepared by IEC TC 88. This compliance, should reduce the number of steps necessary to obtain certification or approval at national level whilst preserving an appropriate level of safety.
3 Governing documents
The documents which state the Rules of the IEC WT System and which govern the organization of its work are as follows:
– the Statutes of the IEC;
– the Rules of Procedure of the IEC and the ISO/IEC Directives, unless otherwise specified in the Rules of Procedure of the IEC WT System;
– the Rules and Procedures which define the principles of the IEC WT System and which are approved by the CAB;
4 Organization
The system shall be monitored by an overseeing group, comprising the IEC TC 88 officers. The overseeing group reports annually to the CAB on the use and development of the IEC WTGS System.
5 Scope
This publication defines a certification system for wind turbines (IEC WT). It specifies rules for procedures and management to carry out conformity evaluation of WTs, with respect to specific standards and other technical requirements, relating to safety, reliability, performance, testing and interaction with electrical power networks. It provides:
• definitions of the elements in a wind turbine certification process;
• procedures for the conformity evaluation in a wind turbine certification system;
• procedures for conformity surveillance;
• rules for the documentation that is to be supplied by an Applicant for the conformity evaluation; and
• requirements for certification and inspection bodies and testing laboratories.
The standard is not limited to WTs of any particular size or type. It describes procedures relating to design, manufacture, erection and installation, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning. The procedures deal with the assessment of loads and safety, testing, characteristics measurements and surveillance of manufacturing, installation and operation. Some elements of certification are mandatory, whilst provision is specifically made for others to be optional. The purpose of the standard is to provide a common basis for certification of wind turbines, including a basis for acceptance of operating bodies and mutual recognition of certificates.

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