
IEC 62005-1 pdf download

IEC 62005-1 pdf download

IEC 62005-1 pdf download Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Part 1: Introductory guide and definitions
Extended qualification is based on real environments and typically involves accelerated testing.Extended qualification is required to assess the possibility of unknown degradation mech-anisms.The results often lead to corrective action and may require additional standard test andmeasurement procedures. They lead to a quantitative reliability assessment but should beverified by field data and be supported by other elements of a complete reliability programme.
Designed experiments are required both to evaluate degradation mechanisms quantitativelyand to provide a basis for continuous improvement. The quantitative linkage of acceleratedtests to actual field environments over time is often elusive because the mechanics ofdegradation and the interaction within the spectrum of field environments are not often properlyapplied.However lEC 62005-2 and lEC 62005-3 will allow proper selection and application ofthese parameters.This linkage can only be expressed as a degradation model,related inIEC 62005-2 which can usually be assessed only with experiments designed specifically to agiven product design or technology.The diversity of designs, technology and materials used inpassive components often requires very specific experimentation that may not be universal.There are, however, several fundamental features that are required for valid results. The focusof the lEC 62005 series includes models, experiment requirements, and types of experiments.
The final element in the reliability model is the field data.This data,when combined with theresults from the designed experiments leads to a quantitative reliability assessment as shownin lEC 62005-6.Standard requirements include methods of collecting and recording data aswell as the analysis of such data.
5 Definitions and terminology, symbols and abbreviations
5.1 Definitions and terminology
For the purpose of this part of lEC 62005,certain definitions taken from lEC 60050(191) aswell as the following definitions apply.
accelerated test
test in which the applied stress level is chosen to exceed that stated in the reference conditionsin order to shorten the time duration required to observe the stress response of the item, or tomagnify the responses in a given time duration
NOTE 1 To be valid, an accelerated test should not alter the basic modes and failure mechanisms or their relativeprevalence
NOTE 2 The term “stress” is used in a generic sense and does not necessarily mean mechanical stress. Otherexamples are temperature, humidity,chemical activity, and vibrational frequency.The effective stress may beincreased or extended by varying other parameters in combination such as temperature,time and rate ofapplication.
confidence level
value (1- a) of the probability associated with the limits of a confidence interval, which may beone-sided or two-sided,of the true value of the estimation parameter.Here “ d” is the statederror risk

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